Configure Your X-Notice
You may need to adjust the CSS selector where the notice/message will appear depending on the theme you using.
You can define customer variable here using the available placeholders and these variables can be used in the notice/message to make it dynamic.
Available Placeholders:
{subTotal} | Cost of all cart's products |
{subTotalWithTax} | Cost of all cart's products including tax |
{weight} | Weight of all cart's products |
{quantity} | Quantity of all cart's products |
{volume} | Volume of all cart's products |
{subTotalAsPerProductRule} | Cost of the products that are valid according to the products rule. |
{subTotalWithTaxAsPerProductRule} | Cost of the products including tax which are valid according to the products rule |
{weightAsPerProductRule} | Weight of the products that are valid according to the products rule. |
{quantityAsPerProductRule} | Quantity of the products that are valid according to the products rule. |
{volumeAsPerProductRule} | Volume of the products that are valid according to the products rule. |
{vouchers} | Voucher Amount |
{noOfProduct} | Total number of unique products |
{noOfCategory} | Total number of unique categories |
{noOfManufacturer} | Total number of unique manufacturers |
{couponValue} | Applied Coupon Value |
{rewardValue} | Applied Reward Amount |
{grandTotal} | Grand Total |
Please take note, html tag attributes are not allowed to use as variable name e.g. `{name}` or `{type}` is not allowed.
To modify the final value, you can use pipeline(|) operator after the value. Available modifers are `format`, `round` where `format` adds currency code to the value and `round` rounds the value. Also it is possible to use any PHP function as modifer. Example: {subTotal} * 100 / 1000|round Or 1000 - {subTotal}|format
Variable Name | Variable Value | Action |
Remove |