Please enter CSS selectors how X-Discount will find the location to put in ribbon and countdown if you want to enable those features. To know how to find selectors, please check
this post You can modify placing mode using position text e.g. #content:after Or #content:before Or #content:append Or #content:prepend. Default mode is append
Product detail page
Product listing page
You can place xdiscount shortcode on any information page to display the discounted products of a particular discount(s). Shorcode format is [xdiscount]ID,ID[/xdiscount]. For example will show products of the discount ID 1. The discount ID is available under the general tab.
Since X-Discount does not save discount information in the database table and it applies the discount on the fly, hence, third-party modules, which do not use the OC standard library or methods may not be compatible with this module. Sometimes it can be fixed by adding other module routes to the X-discount event list. In order to add the route, please enter the route information below. If you need help, please request support.
Route Path | Action |
There is nothing to show, please click `Add New` button to add! |